Tap Music for Grade 6

Tap Music for Grade 6

Product code: 1174

Regular Price (inc VAT): £25.00

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Product summary:

CD of music for the Grade 6 Syllabus

Product description:

1. Warm up
2. Progressive Shuffles
3. Double shuffles
4, Wing preparations
5. Riffs
6. Music for improvisation - slow tempo
7. Music for improvisation - quicker tempo
8. Turns on the spot
9. Turns travelling on diagonal
10. Time steps - Msuic A
11. Time steps - Music B
12. Set amalgamation - Blues
13. Set amalgamation - Boogie
14. Music for free amalgamations - Soft shoe
15. Jazz waltz
16. Cut common
17. Tango
18. The bow

Music composed by Bill Readdy.
Piano Bill Readdy, Bass Nick Pugh, Drums Ronnie Fenn.
Recorded by John Mardlin.

© 2004 ISTD.

Cecchetti Classical Ballet
Classical Greek
Classical Indian Dance
Imperial Ballet
Latin American
Modern Ballroom
Modern Theatre
National Dance
Tap Dance