The Classical Sequence Companion Part Two DVD

Product code: 331
Regular Price (inc VAT): £27.50
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Product description:
This DVD is a follow up to the popular "Classical Sequence Companion" and provides a step by step analysis of 16 more dances from the ISTD syllabus, together with an explanation of additional technical terms not covered in the earlier DVD.
Each dance is shown in four bar sections with close-ups of the feet to assist in studying and understanding this style. A demonstration of each dance to music is also included.
1.) Countess Waltz 9.) Washington Two Step
2.) Regis Waltz 10.) Liberty Two Step
3.) Imperial Waltz 11.) Military two Step
4.) Waltz Carnay 12.) Tango Solair
5.) Northern Star Waltz 13.) Tayside Tango
6.) Windsor Glide 14.) Tarantella Tango
7.) Latchford Schottische 15.) Saunter Santarna
8.) Waverley Two Step 16.) Stardust Saunter
Presented by Jill Bush.
Dancers: Robert & Louise Aldred
Music by kind permission of TEMA International Ltd (
Filmed and produced by John Felix (
© 2015 ISTD.