The Technique of the Revived Greek Dance
Product code: 876
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Product summary:
By Ruby Ginner
Product description:
Technical Handbook for Teachers and Students.
From the preface:
"Ruby Ginner has made a life-long study of the ancient Greek dance and from her research into the literature and pictorial arts of Hellas has evolved a method of movement which has made a notable contribution to the Art of the Dance.
This type of dance has proved of great value in the education of children. It gives the dance student yet another form of expression, and is an asset to artists of the theatre.
The system is based upon the natural movements of the body, leading towards to grace, strength, poise and balance of mind and body which was the Greek ideal.
This book will be found indispensible to all teachers and students of the GINNER method of dance; containing as it does the basic exercises, movements and general technique of the Greek Dance Association."
First printed in 1963. Reprinted in 1973, 1981 and 1995.
© 1981 ISTD.