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Tap DVD - Grade 5

Tap DVD - Grade 5

Product code: 1192

Regular Price (inc VAT): £30.00

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Stock availability: 82

Product summary:

ISTD Tap Dance Faculty, Grade 5 Syllabus DVD

Product description:

A digital version of this product is available to purchase here: https://istddance.sellfy.store/p/tap-grade5/

Please note the digital version is not provided for free with a purchase of a CD/DVD.

Tap Dance Faculty, Grade 5

1. Warm Ups

  • Bouncy Warm Up
  • Close Work Warm Up

2. Technical Exercises

  • Shuffles (3/4 Double side shuffle and preparation for Maxi Ford)
  • 5/4 Wings
  • Double Wings
  • Close Work Crawl
  • Paddles

3. Rhythm

  • Rhythmic Response

4. Compound Steps

  • Ripples (Centre on the spot)
  • Pullbacks (Travelling backwards on diagonal)
  • Shuffle Pick Up Changes (Travelling backwards on diagonal)
  • Maxi Ford

5. Turning Sequence

6. Time Steps

  • Shuffle Timesteps (Taken facing diagonals)
  • Pick Up Timesteps

7. Amalgamations (Teachers' choice of TWO from four amalgamations)

  • Beguine
  • Quick Jazz
  • Tango
  • Swing

8. Shim Sham Bow


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Imperial Ballet
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National Dance
Tap Dance
Cecchetti Classical Ballet
Classical Greek
Imperial Ballet
Latin American
Modern Ballroom
Modern Theatre
National Dance
South Asian Dance
Tap Dance